There should be various kind of competency and reason for those who would like to learn Japanese Language.
日本語を学びたいと思う人たちの その能力と目的には様々なものがあるはずです。
G.G.J can provide a lesson which is suitable to each student in terms of content and progress. It is the greatest strong point of G.G.J which cannot afford to implement by other school.
GGJは巷にあるような一方通行の授業ではなく それぞれの条件に合った内容と進捗で授業をプログ ラムします。
For Instant
- Small class or 1 to 1 Lesson which is able to catch up easer and deeper.
少人数または1対1の授業による より深い理解
- In addition to learn Japanese Language subject like Japanese Culture, Geography & etc are included.
- Highly qualified & Experienced Japanese Lecturer.
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